
#cap1 #cap2
"Makkah : the land of forgiveness"
"Medina: The land of peace"
Latest News
Introducing first time ever UMRAH WITH DUBAI combine PACKAGES at the lowest rates(Starting December 2014 @ onwards). | Shab-e-Meraj & Kaba Gusal, Inshallah Departure in December February and May.
Things To Know

Terms and conditions:

The Tour Participant has been supplied with details for the Tour Arrangement and the Tour Brochure / Pamphlet for the relevant year. The Tour participant shall read the same before filing and signing the Registration Forms and making payment towards part consideration of the Tour. Each Tour participant shall sign the Registration Form. The signing of the form means acceptance in totality of the Terms & Conditions contained herein by the Tour Participant. The Company reserves the right to decline to Register any person/persons as Tour participant for any Tour without assigning any reason whatsoever. As this right is totally reserved by the Company.

Tour Participant means a person/persons in whose name and/or whose behalf the booking is made and/or whose name is on the booking form, Provisional / Confirmed Passenger Tour Ticket means PTT. Company means Alabrama tours Pvt. Ltd., Tour Participant means TP Independent Contractors means the hotelier/ hotel owner, Airlines owner, Coach owners/operations or any other person or organisation which has been selected by the Company for rendering services to Tour Participants. There is no contract between the company and the TP until the Company has received the appropriate non-refundable deposit. The full payment must be received in accordance with procedure laid down  in teh brochure /pamphlet as mentioned by the Tour Operator. If not paid in that time the Company reserves the right to cancel the booking with consequent loss of deposit & apply scale of cancellation charges as mentioned in the brochure/Pamphlet.

A. To terminate contract after acceptance of deposit but prior to the commencement of Tour without assigning any reason whatsoever. In the event, the Company terminates the Contract, the Company may refund the Amount of deposit to the Tour Participant without payment of any Interest.
B. To Amend after, vary or withdraw any Tour, excursions or facility it has advertisied or published or to substitute an Independent contractor of similar class if it is deemed advisable or necessary.In either case, the Company shall not be liable for any damage, additonal expense or consequential loss suffered by the TP or for any compensations claim.
C. It is responsibility of the TP to hold valid transfer documents such as passport & visas & to furnish all documents required by the Co., for application of the same .In the event the applications for Visas made by any TP or by the Company on behalf of the TP is rejected by the concerned Embassy or Authorities due to inadequate documents furnished by the applicant or due to any other reasons whatsoever, the Company shall not be liable or responsible for the same. All cost, charges in respect of the said applications for the Visa shall be borne by the Tour Participant
D. Health & Insurance: It shall be the duty of the TP to inform the Company in case the Tour Participant has any medical condition that may affect his abililty to enjoy & pursue fully the Tour arrangements. The Company reserves the right, where appropriate, to ask the TP to provide written Certification of his medical fitness before his departure . It is advisable that the TP to acquire adequate Insurance cover to secure their life, health and property. It may be noted that the Tour cost does not include the Insurance Premium and that the Tour Participants shall have to acquire the same at their cost.
3. No person other than the company, in writing has the authority to vary, add or waive any stipulation, representation, term or condition set forth in the brochure/pamphlet.
A. To continue with the Tour as amended or altered.
B. To accept any alternative Tour which the Company may offer. In either of these above cases the TP shall not be entitled to or the Company shall not be liable to the TP for any damage, additional expense, consequential loss suffered by him or to pay any amount as refund.
C. In the event, that the company is unable to conduct a particular tour, the Company shall at it own discretion refund the amount of the cost of the said Tour to  the Tour Participants without any interest on the same.
3. The Company shall, in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the Tour Participant or any person travelling with him for.
A. Any death, personal injury, sickness, accident, loss, delay, discomfort, increase expenses, consequential loss and/or damage or any kind of theft caused.
B. The temporary or permanent loss of or damage to baggage or personal effects howsoever caused. In this condition the expression howsoever caused includes wilful negligence on the part of any person.
C. If in the event that the TP is booked on a particular Airline & due to certain reasons the said flight is over booked & the TP is not allowed to Board the flight, the TP shall not hold the Company responsible for the same and no claim whatsoever can be made by the TP against the Company.
D. The Company shall not be responsible and/or liable for any damage caused to the Tour Participant due to reasons beyond the control of the Company.
6. If the TP has any complaint in respect of services provided by any of the independent contractor, the TP shall immediately notify the same in writing to the independent contractor & the copy thereof should be handed over to the Tour Manager of the Company in order to enable the Company to take up the matter with the Independent Contractor.
7. Baggage: TP travelling by Air will be subject to the Airline restrictions/limitations on baggage weight/size/number, currently which for Economy Class is 20Kg per person. All baggage and personal effects are at all times and in all circumstances the responsibility of the tour participant.
8. Refund: The Company reserves the right to determine the quantum of refund payable in cash of cancellation or amendment of a Tour due to control of the Company. Such refund would be based on various factors like the number of participants, the cancellation policies of suppliers like hoteliers, coach operators, etc and the decision of the company on the quantum of refund. Shall be final. Such refunds will be paid directly to TP by the Company, it would take atleast 45 days to process such refunds.
If the payment is made in foreign currency & in the event of cancellation of the same, the refund will be made in Indian Currency only at prevailing rate on the date of return of the refund amount. There shall be no refund if the TP fails to join the Tour as per the schedule prescribed in the brochure/pamphlet or leaves the Tour earlier than the prescribed schedule. As the TP himself is responsible for such a schedule Also refund cannot be claimed if the TP is unable to utilize the services provided by us due to Personal problems like meals, rooms, excursions etc.


The Tour Participant will have to strictly follow the Tour program and return to India as per the validity of the Tour. All Tours are subject to Laws & Rules of RBI GOI. The prices quoted in the brochure have been calculated at the rate prevailing at the time of printing of the brochure/pamphlet. The Company reserves the right to amend the Prices published in the brochure/pamphlet In case of currency fluctuations, changes in Airfare and changes in this various cross rates of exchange before the date of departure and to surcharge accordingly. All such increases in price must be paid for in full before departure by the Tour Participant.

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